Nov. 16, 2019

Page Glave - Professor of Kinesiology to Cybersecurity Analyst!

Page Glave was a tenured Associate Professor of Kinesiology with a focus in exercise science and was successful in her field. However, she came to the realization that she can't see herself doing this for the rest of her life. She offers lots of great advice on resume tips when switching, homelabs, certifications, and how she was able to break into the field. This is her story. 


I am an analyst, project manager, ethical hacker, and tech consultant with more than 10 years’ experience with research and project management. I spent a while in higher education – long enough to get tenure and decide it was time to do something else. I have eJPT (eLearnSecurity Junior Penetration Tester), Security+ and Splunk User certifications. I love learning and tech, so digging into all of this stuff just makes me happy.


  • 5-months into her first security job!
  • Being in a small environment, she gets to do everything from governance to pentesting
  • Previous to this, she was a tenured associate professor in kinesiology, focusing on biomechanics and obesity.


  • "Pretty big adventure on a daily basis because no day is the same."
  • "Really is an environment where security is everyone's job."
  • "I think I'll always be in-house tech support for as long as I live." [7:08]
  • "I kinda got bored… I didn't want to keep doing something that wasn't challenging." [7:28]
  • "Do I really want to do this for the next 30 years?" [7:58]
  • "…going through the headers, that should have been a clue that maybe tech would have been a good fit for me."
  • "You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone in Information Security who was just thrilled with their budgets."
  • "Being able to translate that self-directed learning to something on my resume."


Getting Into Infosec:

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Ayman's Personal Website

Book - Breaking IN: A Practical Guide to Starting a Career in Information Security

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