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Keya was a public school teacher who stood out of crowd. She loves problem solving and challenging environments. Keya was also a filmmaker and web designer. She's currently a detection security engineer who get knee deep in malware on a daily basis.
• New she didn't want to be a teacher her whole life
• Was the only one in the rational thinking group at her school.
• Enjoys rational thinking and the problem solving process.
• Prototyped a mock medical device with a Raspberry Pi and won a national competition!
• "Easy to get in to what you're comfortable with... and I didn't want to have a job like that."
• "It was something that I enjoyed but I definitely feel more at home with the cohort that I work with currently and with what I do."
• "... for me it was an amazing process because I hadn't ever SSH’d into a device and I had to figure out how to get like ports scan."
• "I read so much documentation on all the little things that we connected to it. I watched a bunch of YouTube videos I looked at a lot of GitHub accounts trying to figure out like I've got to make this move." [14:24]
• "It was incredibly challenging. A lot of times I was trying to figure out... where sometimes the information that you get from the client is essentially just a hint of what's going on in the network." [17:07]
• " You just have to be creative and keep going at it until you can do what needs to be done." [18:08]
• "Yeah. It's amazing, and especially coming from public school teaching where I had seen almost physical fights altercations happen over like reams of paper because there's just not that much allocated towards schools to where snacks are brought in. Like it's a very different environment…" [21:22]
• "You did great on the test, but I want to watch you take the test." [23:06]
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Getting Into Infosec:
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